Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Long story short.. the other day I got up from the couch, looked down where I was sitting and saw a house centipede just walking along! I screamed pretty loud and it scared the guy! I ran to get the raid (which is super handy) and found it running along the floor. I spayed it in his face. He died. But now I'm terrified to sit on the couches! I had Brandon break out the folding green chair which I'm sitting on now. I don't know how long it will be until I get enough courage to sit on the couches again. :( House centipedes are scary.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Gosselins Without Pity

I admit that watching a train wreck is entertaining. Mind numbing TV that I can't stop watching, Jon and Kate plus 8. If it's on I'll watch it. I sometimes read the Gosselins Without Pity blog and people will talk about being so sick of hearing their story and how much they hate Kate, and that no one should watch the show. Watching the show just makes it worse, yada yada. Then someone comments this after talking about Kate's lies:

I have a question for anyone who watched the kitchen remodel episode - it was mentioned Kate was wearing the green babydoll dress in that episode when it was supposedly January. Although it seems unusual that she'd be wearing a summer dress in January, it's not unheard of...I sometimes wear shorts and a tshirt around home in the winter. I was curious if the kids were wearing winter clothes, though. Anyone notice?

Are you F-ing kidding me?

Friday, July 10, 2009


I have never been so angry. This is insanity.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pictures from my vacation

BBQ on the 4th of July.
Patrick answering his phone.
Cyndi Alicia and I looking super cute.
Air Show.
Some cool hats.

Fun in the sun?

Watching the air show was really cool on the 4th of July. We were outside for about 4 hours and it was mostly overcast except for the last hour or so. I for some reason thought that my legs would be okay without sun block but I was very wrong.

I still had a good time, but I was in a lot of pain after that burn. Ouch!

Monday, June 29, 2009

5th grade teachers are the best!

Wow, so I get an e-mail that Mrs. Barton sent a message to me on facebook! I was so excited so I went on to look at the message. I don't use facebook a lot, actually I only go on when I get an e-mail that something is new on my profile. So I had to figure out that the tiny little chat is in the corner and I have to open it up. When I opened it she was there and we chatted for a short while. I guess it's cool that my favorite teacher facebooked me!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I love my job. I mean hate.

So this customer comes in with this bedazzled stapler (because of course we sell crap like that) and says she got charged $19.99 for it and it was supposed to be $15.00. She's also super mad so I tell her that we can check the price and the one she had might have gotten missed when we did mark downs. She is still very angry because she drove back to the store to fix this and the register should have known that is was $15.00. I tell the cashier to go get another one to see what the price is and he brings about 7 of them up. Two of them came in the month of March which were $15.00 and the other 5 were from April and were $19.99. She bought one that was more recent which was why it was still full price. I explain to the lady that our merchandise comes in at different times, therefore gets markdown at different times. I'm not sure where she gets this but she then says she wants the extra $3.00. I didn't even want to go there but she said that number multiple times. She said she could return the thing or she wants the price adjustment for $3.00 less. After much arguing, I told the lady that I would mark it down to $15.00 just to make her happy. There are more small details about how absolutely ridiculous she was but that's enough for now. Anyway that is how my company is...if she went to corporate she would have gotten a $25.00 gift card. If someone bitches enough they get what ever they want. It's like being a 5 year old brat! Adults shop at my store, but they shit on the bathrooms walls, they steal, and whine to get whatever they want.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Animal Crossing

So Much Fun! My mom got this for me, and we have been playing together online. Right now I still have a huge debt from my house, but when I visit my moms town she helps me pick all her fruit that's worth $500 bells! I will be super rich in no time!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Is she for real?

So I'm at work and I get called to the front of the store to help a customer. I find this lady holding a tea pot that has a weird mark on it. She tells me that she wanted this tea pot but this was the last one and it had something wrong with it's appearance so she asked an employee for a discount. She then told me that she "had been in the store only 20 minutes and she heard this girl swear twice, once while she was marking it down for me 10% (which isn't enough by the way) and another time. She didn't swear at me, but she swore." Now as I'm about to laugh at the lady because I think she is being ridiculous already she asks me for more of a discount because she heard our employee swear. The silliest thing was she was totally serious that it offended her. I later asked the girl what she said and the word was shit because the machine that makes tickets is sometimes finicky. Some people are silly.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a mess!

I haven't been in my scrapbook room in a really long time. That is unless I just throw something in there to get it out of my way. Now I'm so overwhelmed but I want to organize it, I just don't know where to start. Why is it so much easier to organize and throw other peoples crap out? I would totally be able to organize Brandon's stuff but he doesn't let me touch it! When I went in my scrapbook room today I looked at everything and just thought of the things I need to buy to organize. I didn't feel like I could put anything away. Maybe I do have too much stuff. Another problem I have is that there is a lot of random stuff other then scrapbook supplies. Ugh, I need a friend to help me!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Flowers are blooming in Virginia

I don't know what the purple/blue ones are, but there are a ton!

Why did the Elk cross the road?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Which is better?

My first Blog

Okay okay, I don't know how often I'll post but I'll try to do my best. I have to upload my CO pictures and I'll share some as soon as I do!