Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a mess!

I haven't been in my scrapbook room in a really long time. That is unless I just throw something in there to get it out of my way. Now I'm so overwhelmed but I want to organize it, I just don't know where to start. Why is it so much easier to organize and throw other peoples crap out? I would totally be able to organize Brandon's stuff but he doesn't let me touch it! When I went in my scrapbook room today I looked at everything and just thought of the things I need to buy to organize. I didn't feel like I could put anything away. Maybe I do have too much stuff. Another problem I have is that there is a lot of random stuff other then scrapbook supplies. Ugh, I need a friend to help me!


  1. well, I am the last person to give advise on how to organize, all I can say is never ever let the stuff build up. or get Matt over and he will just throw the stuff out easily for you. Seems though, your stuff just needs a place, you need it for your craft, or maybe you are over buying things that you don't need? I am telling you go to the site they will annoy you into organization hehheheh

  2. You think your room is a mess? You should see mine!

  3. I'll be there as soon as I can, don't hold your breath.. Love you. don't get discouraged it happens to the best of us.
