Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Long story short.. the other day I got up from the couch, looked down where I was sitting and saw a house centipede just walking along! I screamed pretty loud and it scared the guy! I ran to get the raid (which is super handy) and found it running along the floor. I spayed it in his face. He died. But now I'm terrified to sit on the couches! I had Brandon break out the folding green chair which I'm sitting on now. I don't know how long it will be until I get enough courage to sit on the couches again. :( House centipedes are scary.


  1. I saw a BIG spider in our room yesterday and said, "EEEE!" and smashed it with one of Marley's books. So, of course he's been imitating me, yelling "EEE!" and swatting his book down. Hee hee. Have you sat on the couch yet?

  2. Always keep a fly swatter(s) handy just in case of emergencies.
    the dad
