Saturday, June 13, 2009

I love my job. I mean hate.

So this customer comes in with this bedazzled stapler (because of course we sell crap like that) and says she got charged $19.99 for it and it was supposed to be $15.00. She's also super mad so I tell her that we can check the price and the one she had might have gotten missed when we did mark downs. She is still very angry because she drove back to the store to fix this and the register should have known that is was $15.00. I tell the cashier to go get another one to see what the price is and he brings about 7 of them up. Two of them came in the month of March which were $15.00 and the other 5 were from April and were $19.99. She bought one that was more recent which was why it was still full price. I explain to the lady that our merchandise comes in at different times, therefore gets markdown at different times. I'm not sure where she gets this but she then says she wants the extra $3.00. I didn't even want to go there but she said that number multiple times. She said she could return the thing or she wants the price adjustment for $3.00 less. After much arguing, I told the lady that I would mark it down to $15.00 just to make her happy. There are more small details about how absolutely ridiculous she was but that's enough for now. Anyway that is how my company is...if she went to corporate she would have gotten a $25.00 gift card. If someone bitches enough they get what ever they want. It's like being a 5 year old brat! Adults shop at my store, but they shit on the bathrooms walls, they steal, and whine to get whatever they want.


  1. I am always amazed at the stories you have from working retail. Something I had never thought of just walking into the store to do my shopping. Like what sorta crap the Manager has to deal with. I feel kinda bad now about my whining to get my $20 back from Meijers, I shall be a better patron from now on. *One customer at a time* Start with me.

  2. you are the captain of your own destiny..
    the dad xxoo
