Monday, April 27, 2009

Is she for real?

So I'm at work and I get called to the front of the store to help a customer. I find this lady holding a tea pot that has a weird mark on it. She tells me that she wanted this tea pot but this was the last one and it had something wrong with it's appearance so she asked an employee for a discount. She then told me that she "had been in the store only 20 minutes and she heard this girl swear twice, once while she was marking it down for me 10% (which isn't enough by the way) and another time. She didn't swear at me, but she swore." Now as I'm about to laugh at the lady because I think she is being ridiculous already she asks me for more of a discount because she heard our employee swear. The silliest thing was she was totally serious that it offended her. I later asked the girl what she said and the word was shit because the machine that makes tickets is sometimes finicky. Some people are silly.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a mess!

I haven't been in my scrapbook room in a really long time. That is unless I just throw something in there to get it out of my way. Now I'm so overwhelmed but I want to organize it, I just don't know where to start. Why is it so much easier to organize and throw other peoples crap out? I would totally be able to organize Brandon's stuff but he doesn't let me touch it! When I went in my scrapbook room today I looked at everything and just thought of the things I need to buy to organize. I didn't feel like I could put anything away. Maybe I do have too much stuff. Another problem I have is that there is a lot of random stuff other then scrapbook supplies. Ugh, I need a friend to help me!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Flowers are blooming in Virginia

I don't know what the purple/blue ones are, but there are a ton!

Why did the Elk cross the road?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Which is better?

My first Blog

Okay okay, I don't know how often I'll post but I'll try to do my best. I have to upload my CO pictures and I'll share some as soon as I do!