Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stupid Customer

A man comes in to return a $200 rug. His receipt says he bought the rug and one $4 item. (He is only returning the rug.) He has also paid partial payment on his amex ($151) and $62 on store credit.

Me: Hello how are you? The rug didn't work out?
Customer: No, just wrong size.
Me: Okay well I can put $151 back on to your amex (slide card) and $58 is on this store credit for you.
The receipt prints and I hand him his cards.
Me: If you could please sign the top line and you are all set.
The customer has a confused look on his face...
Customer: I don’t understand why I only get $58 on this store credit... I should have $62.
I look at his receipt....
Me: Well it looks like you also bought a $4 item (that you did not return), so that is why you aren’t getting that extra $4.
Now the customer looks even more confused...
Customer: I’m a mathematician and this doesn’t make any sense to me!
I think he might be kidding, but realize he is not.
Me: Well you only returned the rug so I gave you back the $151 to your amex and the rest of it is $58 because you didn’t return the $4 item.......$58 plus $4 is $62. Did you want to return that $4 item?
The Customer is now doing paper and pencil math...
Customer: No, but I should have $62 on this card! Do you have a calculator?
Me: Not up here, but I can go get one for you.
Customer: NO never mind! You need that money more than I do! I’m never shopping here again!

Ah, I love my job.


  1. Wow. Do you think he was scamming? Weird. Oh, and I love your banner! I just spent like 5 minutes feeding your goldfish, and that was without any kids around! Can't wait to show Marley!

  2. This is my informal request for new stupid customer stories. Love and miss you

  3. I came back to read this again, just wondering, was the man over 60? Cuz that would explain a lot, us old farts get confused easily
