Saturday, June 25, 2011

Attack of the killer house centipede

Okay, well maybe it just feels like they are out to get me. A few days ago I said that luckily we haven't seen any house centipedes in our bedroom, because I would totally freak out if I did. Well I jinxed it! I was going to bed last night and saw a really huge one on the wall.. by MY side of the bed! I freak out of course, but tried to regroup and think of where the Raid is. (Because surely I can not come close enough to just squish it with a shoe or napkin.) So I run around the house looking in every cabinet and finally find it! I go back upstairs and the house centipede has vanished! Now I'm really in panic mode because I feel like it's probably crawling up into my bed. Then I start to get itchy and feel like it is now crawling on ME. Of course it's not, but I'm so terrified of these damn things! I'm frantically looking at every part of my wall and under my bed, shaking out my sheets but I can't find him. So I give up, go down stairs (to sleep on the sofa) and I'm still looking at every inch of every wall to make sure there are no more. As I'm staring to calm down I see one by my front door! I'm ready this time and I spray that mother right in the face with Raid. He tries to run but it's too late, he is shriveled and very dead. I feel some success and am able to go to bed on the sofa for a not so great, nightmare filled sleep.

The End