Monday, August 16, 2010

You know you've waisted 8 hours of your day when...

-You are at a training meeting and ask the question "Are they working on putting the training books online so that you wouldn't have to use all that paper... also you could update any information immediately rather then making new books?" The answer was "It would be really complicated to do because they would have to put up firewalls."

-You attend a meeting where you talk about words that are associated with the 5 senses.... for 3 hours.

-Be talked to like you are in 1st grade and talk about 1st grade the 5 senses.

-The people heading the meeting have to put toys in the middle of the table to keep us occupied. (Well I guess it worked because I played with a koosh ball, and other assorted gooey squishy things for 8 hours so I could keep my sanity.)

-Play pass the pigs for 15 minutes. (Okay maybe that was fun)