Monday, May 24, 2010


At work I ordered a recycle bin because the only thing the store recycles is plastic bags. The thing is a piece of crap, it was $70 and made out of flimsy plastic. Anyway I was going to make it work! I don't know if people are uneducated about recycling or they can't read or if they are plain stupid because people keep using it as a trash can. I found out real quick that this is going to be hard work if I want to get everyone to get on board with this. Oh yeah, the other thing is I will be taking the recycles to the recycling center myself. I will go when I recycle my stuff from home so I'm not making extra trips. I went today and I didn't sort through the stuff at work, I just grabbed the bag and decided I would figure it out at the recycling center. Well I sure did figure it out! Not only did people put trash in the bin, but they left their bottles half full of liquid too. So now I have a plan for next time. I'll just have to sort through the bin at work, throw stuff away and empty bottles. To me it will be worth it, and I'll just do it while I'm at work.

The other thing I learned today was that I had to take the bottle caps off bottles! I didn't realize that bottle caps can't be recycled with regular plastic bottles. It apparently will ruin the whole batch of recycled plastics. So I found this site that will take caps and recycle them on their own! I'm still trying to figure out if my recycling center will take caps by them selves or not. Maybe I'll try and talk to someone next time I'm there. It's hard to get people to do something so simple but I'm determined to get everyone recycling!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fun with PhotoShop

Alicia took some fun pictures of me and Lilyana. Check out Alicias blog for photos of Lily!