Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My third time

in the emergency room. When I was in brownies we were going to stay the night at a rollerskating rink. I was so excited because I loved skating. I had my sleeping bag and was ready to go! My mom brought me to the skating rink, I put my skates on and started skating past everyone going really fast and then fell on my left arm. A few years later in elementary school I remember going to the hospital and explaining to the doctor how I hurt my left arm this time rollerblading. I was skating in the street, jumped up over the curb and onto the grass and fell on my arm. I guess I needed a different hobby. Well last night around 9:30pm I put eucerin cream on my arms and hands. It's really great for dry skin, but it's pretty greasy. I was getting sleepy so I rubbed my eyes a half hour later and immediately my eyes stung and my vision became blurred. I washed my hands and face and thought I could sleep it off. Well I didn't sleep very well and my eyes were in so much pain that at 1:30am I woke up and told Brandon that I should probably go to the ER. At this time my eyes felt like they were twice their regular size and my eye lids were really puffy and I couldn't see very well. The doctor checked to see if I had scratched my eyes from rubbing them (luckily I had not) and also gave me saline drops. Basically the doctor told me to go to CVS and get Opcon A eye drops. I just have to wash my eyes every few hours use the eye drops 4 times a day and wait it out. I should be better in a few days. So the lesson here is don't put lotion in your eyes. And the good news is I am taking 3 days off work!